Alexander M. Kuznetsov
List of Publications
This list is presented in its original format used by Alexander M Kuznetsov: for all papers in local journals the page numbers are given in accordance with Russian version; to find translations in Russ. J. Electrochem. (since 1993) see issue numbers.
The list can be incomplete; please, send additions, corrections and comments to
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of chemical reactions in polar solvents, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, ser.Phys.Chem., Kinetics, vol.2, Moscow, VINITI, 1973, p.5-198 (in Russian)
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of heterogeneous chemical reactions in solutions, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, ser.Kinetics and Catalysis, vol.5, Moscow, VINITI, 1978, pp.2-200 (in Russian)
- E.D.German and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of liquid-phase charge transfer reactions, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, ser.Kinetics and Catalysis, vol.20, Moscow, VINITI, 1990, pp.3-150 (in Russian)
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Charge Transfer in Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Gordon & Breach, Reading, 1995, 622 p. (in English)
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Charge transfer in chemical reactions kinetics, Press polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne, 1997, 107 p. (in English)
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J. Ulstrup , Electron Transfer in Chemistry and Biology. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester (UK), 1999, 350 p. (in English)
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Stochastic and dynamic views of chemical reaction kinetics in solutions, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne, 1999, 260 p. (in English)
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Original papers
- V.G.Levich and A.M.Kuznetsov, On the motion of the drops in a liquid due to surface active substances, Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 146 (1962)145
- R.R.Dogonadze,A.M.Kuznetsov and Yu.A.Chizmadzhev, Kinetics of some heterogeneous redox reactions at the semiconductor-electrolyte interface, Zhur.Fiz.Khim.,38(1964)1195-1202
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Stationary photoeffect in the semiconductor-electrolyte solution system, Izv.Akad.Nauk, SSSR,ser.khim., No. 10(1964)1885
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of some redox reactions in the metal -semiconductor film - electrolyte solution system, Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR, ser. khim., No.12 (1964)2140-2145
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of redox reactions in the impurity semiconductor - electrolyte solution system, Elektrokhimiya,1(1965)742
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Some stationary processes in the semiconductor - electrolyte solution system, Elektrokhimiya, 1(1965)1008-1010
- R.R.Dogonadze,A.M.Kuznetsov and A.A.Chernenko, A theory of homogeneous and heterogeneous electron processes in liquids, Usp.Khim.,34(1965)1779
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and A.A.Chernenko, A theory of slow electrons in liquids, Elektrokhimiya,1(1965)1434
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and A.A.Chernenko, A structure of the electron energy spectrum in disordered systems, Elektrokhimiya, 2(1966)620
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, The effect of the changes in the first coordination sphere of the ions on the reaction rate, Elektrokhimiya, 3(1967)1324-1330
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, On the role of the electronic work function in the electrochemical kinetics, Elektrokhimiya, 3(1967)380
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and A.A.Chernenko, Structure of the electron energy spectrum in a polar liquid, Fiz.Tverd.Tela, 9(1967)2007
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and V.G.Levich, Quantum theory of the hydrogen overpotential, Elektrokhimiya,3(1967)739-742
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and V.G.Levich, On the theory of the electrode reactions, Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 179(1968)137
- A.M.Kuznetsov, The role of the electronic work function in electrochemical kinetics,
Electrochim.Acta, 13(1968)1293
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and V.G.Levich, The theory of the hydrogen ions discharge on metals, Electrochim.Acta, 13(1968)1025-1044
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Modern state of the theory of the electrode processes, Itogi nauki, ser.Elektrokhimiya 1967, Moscow, VINITI, 1969, p.5-94
- A.M.Kuznetsov, On the theory of the elementary act of charge transfer reactions in liquids, I., Elektrokhimiya,5(1969)479
- A.M.Kuznetsov, On the theory of the elementary act of charge transfer reactions in liquids, II., Elektrokhimiya, 5(1969)742
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and V.G.Levich, On the quantum mechanical model of the polar liquid, Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 188(1969)383-386
- V.G.Levich, A.M.Kuznetsov, The calculation of the rate of the charge transfer reaction in a polar liquid in a harmonic approximation, Teor.Eksperim.Khim., 6(1970)291
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, The calculation of the probability of the elementary act of the charge transfer reaction in a polar liquid in the Landau-Zener approximation, Teor.Eksperim.Khim., 6(1970)298
- E.D.German, R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov, V.G.Levich and Yu.I.Kharkats,
A theory of the kinetics of homogeneous proton transfer reactions, Teor. Eksperim. Khim., 5(1970)455
- E.D.German, R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov, V.G.Levich and Yu.I.Kharkats, Theory of homogeneous reactions involving proton transfer, Electrochim.Acta, 15(1970)353-367
- M.A.Vorotyntsev and A.M.Kuznetsov, On the theory of electrochemical reactions involving the transfer of several electrons, Elektrokhimiya, 6(1970)208-211
- E.D.German, R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov, V.G.Levich and Yu.I.Kharkats, On the theory of isotope effect in the electrode processes, Elektrokhimiya, 6(1970)350
- M.A.Vorotyntsev and A.M.Kuznetsov, The calculation of some kinetics problems in a harmonic approximation, Vest.Mosc.State Univ., ser.Fiz., No.2(1970)146
- M.A.Vorotyntsev and A.M.Kuznetsov, On some properties of the polarizational curves, Elektrokhimiya, 6(1970)261
- A.M.Kuznetsov, On the methods of theoretical treatment of the charge transfer reactions in polar liquids, Zhur.Fiz.Khim., 44(1970)833
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, E.D.German, R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov, V.G.Levich and Yu.I.Kharkats, Quantum theory of the kinetics of the electrochemical processes, Elektrokhimiya, 6(1970)562
- L.I.Boguslavskii, A.M.Kuznetsov and B.T.Lozhkin, The study of the antracene-electrolyte interface.III. The effect of the dielectric constant on the effectiveness of the hole injection, Elektrokhimiya, 6(1970)1371
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Nonadiabatic transitions in the system of three potential energy surfaces, Fiz.Tverd.Tela, 12(1970)1605
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and M.A.Vorotyntsev, On the theory of adiabatic and nonadiabatic electrochemical reactions, J.Electroanal.Chem., 25(1970)App.17-19
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, On the theory of the kinetics of chemical reactions, Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 194(1970)1116
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, The probability of the charge transfer in a polar media characterized by a continuous vibrational spectrum, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 195(1970)1135-1138
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of electrochemical processes .I. A semiphenomenological theory, Elektrokhimiya, 7(1971)172-180
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of the electrochemical processes. II.A phenomenological theory, Elektrokhimiya, 7(1971)306-312
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, V.M.Kats and A.M.Kuznetsov, The calculation of the kinetics of chemical reactions in polar liquids for the case of nonharmonic molecular potentials,
Elektrokhimiya, 7(1971)597
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, On the theory of simple substitution reactions in a liquid phase, Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 198(1971)130
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of the electrochemical processes.III.A quantum mechanical theory.A model of the polar solvent, Elektrokhimiya, 7(1971)763-770
- A.M.Kuznetsov, On the calculation of the probability of the electron transfer in a polar medium, Elektrokhimiya, 7(1971)1067 (In russian)
- E.D.German, R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov, V.G.Levich and Yu.I.Kharkats, Kinetics of chemical reactions in polar liquids.I.A theory, J.Res.Inst.Catalysis, Hokkaido Univ., 19(1971)98-113
- E.D.German, R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov, V.G.Levich and Yu.I.Kharkats, Kinetics of chemical reactions in polar liquids.II.Comparison with the experiment, Hokkaido Univ., 19(1971)114-124
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, V.M.Kats and A.M.Kuznetsov, The use of quasiclassical approximation for the calculation of some kinetic problems in polar media, Vestn. Moscow State Univ., ser.Fiz., No. 4(1971)411-415
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, A.A.Granovskii, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, The probability of a nonadiabatic transition in the system involving three potential energy surfaces, Vestn.Moscow State Univ., ser. Fiz., No.1 (1972)59-65
- L.I.Boguslavskii, A.B.Imenitov and A.M.Kuznetsov, The determination of the dipole jump of the potential due to adsorption of the particles on the dielectric-electrolyte interface by the method of the currents restricted by the space charge, In: Adsorption and the electrical double layer in the electrochemistry (1972)126
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and M.A.Vorotyntsev, On the theory of nonradiative transitions in polar media. I. Processes without mixing of the quantum and classical degrees of freedom, Physica Status Sol.(b), 54(1972)125-134
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, On the theory of nonradiative transitions in polar media.II.Processes with mixing of the quantum and classical degrees of freedom, Physica Status Sol.(b), 54(1972)425-433
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of adiabatic and nonadiabatic reactions on the metal and semiconductor electrodes, Croatica Chemica Acta, 44(1972)257-273
- R.I.Kukhtin, A.M.Kuznetsov, B.T.Lozhkin and L.I.Boguslavskii, Photochemical reactions on the antracene electrode. III.Kinetics in the medium with a variable dielectric permittivity, Elektrokhimiya, 8(1972)1604
- E.N.Paleolog, A.Z.Fedotova, V.D.Fitjulina and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of anodic oxidation of titanium in the sodium sulfate solution, Elektrokhimiya, 8(1972)751
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, On the theory of adiabatic and nonadiabatic transitions. I.The calculation of the transition probability, Vestn.Moscow State Univ.,ser.Fiz., No. 2(1973)224-228
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, On the theory of the adiabatic and nonadiabatic transitions.II.The calculation of the average transition probability, ibid., No.3 (1973)352-356
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.A.Kornyshev and A.M.Kuznetsov, A phenomenological description of polar media based on the effective Hamiltonian, Teor.and Matem.Fiz., 15(1973)127-138
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, On the theory of the processes of proton transfer in a polar medium, Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 209(1973)1135
- E.D.German and A.M.Kuznetsov, A criterion of the adiabaticity in the reactions of the nucleophile substitution in methyl halides, Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR, ser.Khim., No. 7(1973)1473
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of chemical reactions in polar solvents,
Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, ser.Phys.Chem., Kinetics, vol.2, Moscow, VINITI, 1973, p.5-198
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of the electrochemical processes.IV.A quantum mechanical theory. The calculation of the transition probability for nonadiabatic reactions in a harmonic approximation (general relationships), Elektrokhimiya,10(1974)687
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of the electrochemical processes.V.A quantum mechanical theory. The calculation of the transition probability for nonadiabatic reactions in a harmonic approximation (entangling of quantum and classical degrees of freedom), Elektrokhimiya, 10(1974)867
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of the electrochemical processes.VI.A quantum mechanical theory.A role of the interrelation of the motion of individual atoms in the reactions involving multiatomic systems,
Elektrokhimiya, 10(1974)1023
- E.D.German, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of chemical reactions in polar media, Ideen des exakten Wissens, No. 5(1974)4
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, A theory of the elementary act of the charge transfer reactions in polar solvents, Zhur.Vses.Khim.Obschestva, 19(1974)242-250
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, The present state of the charge transfer theory at the electrode-solution interfaces, Proceedings of Symp. Electrocatalysis (ed. by M.W.Breiter), San-Francisco, May, 1974, N.Y., pp.195-211
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Comments on the paper "Electron transfer rates in Levich and Dogonadze theory of redox reactions" by W.Schmickler and W.Vielstich, Electrochim.Acta, 19(1974)961-962
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, The theory of the elementary act of the proton transfer in polar media, J.Res.Inst.Catalysis, Hokk.Univ.,22(1974)93
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of the electrochemical processes.VIII.The effect of the ionic atmosphere and the double layer structure on the elementary act of an electrochemical reaction, Elektrokhimiya, 11(1975)3
- Yu.Ya.Gurevich and A.M.Kuznetsov, The enhancement of the tunnel current by the fluctuations of the potential, Fiz.Tverd.Tela, 17(1975)3140
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Theory of charge transfer kinetics at solid-polar liquid interfaces, Progr.Surf.Sci.,6(1975)1-42
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov, and M.G.Zaqaraya, On the theory of low-temperature chemical reactions, Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 223(1975)1168
- R.R.Dogonadze,E.M.Itskovich, A.M.Kuznetsov, and M.A.Vorotyntsev, Theory of light absorption by ions in solutions, J.Phys.Chem., 79(1975)2827-2834
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Dynamic effect of ionic atmosphere on kinetics of elementary act of charge transfer reaction, J.Electroanal.Chem., 65(1975)545-554
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Modern state of the quantum theory of the kinetics of electrodes processes, in Ionic melts, No.4,Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1976, pp.3-10
- E.D.German, V.G.Dvali, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Homogeneous processes of electron transfer, Elektrokhimiya, 12(1976)667
- A.M.Kuznetsov and Yu.I.Kharkats, A semiclassical theory of adiabatic and nonadiabatic bridge assisted reactions of the electron transfer, Elektrokhimiya, 12(1976)1277-1283
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and M.A.Vorotyntsev, Theory of highly exothermic processes, Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie,Neue Folge, 100(1976)1-16
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov, and M.G.Zaqaraya, On the theory of atomic and molecular transformations in a condensed phase at low temperatures, Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, 226(1976)105
- A.M.Kuznetsov and Yu.I.Kharkats, The method of classical trajectories in the theory of bridge assisted reactions of electron transfer, Elektrokhimiya, 13(1977)1498-1504
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and M.G.Zaqaraya, The theory of atomic-molecular transformations at low temperatures, J.Electroanal.Chem., 75(1977)315-337
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and J.Ulstrup, Conformational dynamics in biological electron and atom transfer reactions, J.Theor.Biol., 69(1977)239-263
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and J.Ulstrup, A theory of simple electrochemical processes in solid solutions, J.Electroanal.Chem., 79(1977)267
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and J.Ulstrup, Approaches to a theory of electron transfer reactions at film covered electrodes, Electrochim.Acta, 22(1977)967-975
- R.R.Dogonadze, E.D.German A.M.Kuznetsov, I.I.Moiseev and M.N.Vargaftik, Steric effects in reactions of metal complexes.The ligand substitution processes, J. Coord. Chem., 6(1977)141
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, On the quantum-statistical and dynamic character of the elementary step of a catalytic process, Elektrokhimiya, 13(1977)672-676
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, A dynamic effect of ionic atmosphere in the electrochemical kinetics in the presence of the excess of the supporting electrolyte,
Elektrokhimiya, 13(1977)1268-1269
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov and T.A.Marsagishvili, Aspects of electrodynamics of electrochemical systems, Physique, 38(1977)Colloque C-5,pp. C5-35 - C5-48
- M.A.Vorotyntsev, R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and M.G.Zaqaraya, Kinetics of low-temperature reactions at weak coupling of the reactants with the medium,
Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR, ser.Khim.,#6 (1977)1424-1426
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov,M.G.Zaqaraya and J.Ulstrup, On the quantum theory of low-temperature chemical and biological rate processes in condensed media,
Proc.Int.Symp.on Low-Temperature Tunneling in Biological Systems, Philadelphia, November 1977, Academic Press, pp.145-171
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of heterogeneous chemical reactions in solutions, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, ser.Kinetics and Catalysis, vol.5, Moscow, VINITI, 1978, pp.2-200
- A.M.Kuznetsov,N.C.Sondergard and J.Ulstrup, Low-temperature electron transfer in bacterial photosynthesis, Chem.Phys.,29(1978)383-390
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and M.G.Zaqaraya, A theory of the low-temperature processes of a particle transfer in condensed media, Elektrokhimiya, 15(1979)28-33
- E.D.German and A.M.Kuznetsov, A quantum mechanical calculation of the hydrogen kinetic isotope effect, Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR, ser.Khim., #11 (1979)2414-2418
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, A theory of the elementary act of the charge transfer and some problems of catalysis (electrocatalysis), In "Problems of electrocatalysis", V.S.Bagotskii (ed.), Moscow, Nauka, 1980, p.24
- R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and T.A.Marsagishvili, The present state of the theory of charge transfer in condensed phase, Electrochim.Acta, 25(1980)1-28
- E.D.German, R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, The theory of the kinetic isotope effect in proton transfer reactions in a polar medium, J.C.S.Faraday Trans.II, 76(1980)1128-1146
- E.M.Itskovich and A.M.Kuznetsov, The problem of the irreversibility in the theory of electron- vibrational transitions in a polar medium, Elektrokhimiya, 16(1980)755-762
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Quantum theory of interfacial electrochemical processes, Surf.Sci., 101(1980)475-489
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Quantum electrochemical kinetics,
in "Double layer and electrode kinetics",Moscow, Nauka, 1981, ed.V.E.Kazarinov, pp.283-323
- E.D.German and A.M.Kuznetsov, Dependence of the hydrogen kinetic isotope effect on the reaction free energy, J.C.S.Faraday Trans.I, 77(1981)397-412
- A.M.Kuznetsov, The free energy of activation of nonadiabatic reactions of electron transfer and the parameters of the reorganization of the solvent, Elektrokhimiya, 17(1981)84-89
- V.M.Berdnikov, G.A.Bogdanchikov, R.R.Dogonadze, A.M.Kuznetsov and T.A.Marsagishvili, A theoretical calculation of the rate constant and the mechanism of the elementary act in the reactions of the electron exchange between the aromatic molecules and their radical-anions, Teor.Eksperim.Khim., 17(1981)742-749
- A.M.Kuznetsov,and J.Ulstrup, Long-range electron transfer in aromatic radicals-anions and binuclear complexes of metals, J.Chem.Phys., 75(1981)2047-2055
- E.M.Itskovich, A.M.Kuznetsov, and J.Ulstrup, The effects of continuous medium phonon dispersion on low- temperature electron and atom group transfer, Chem.Phys., 58(1981)335-345
- A.M.Kuznetsov, and J.Ulstrup, The effect of temperature and transmembrane potentials on the rates of electron transfer between membrane-bound biological redox components, Biochim.Biophys.Acta, 636(1981)50-57
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Effects of diagonal and off-diagonal disorder in the processes of the charge transfer in polar media, Nouv.J.Chimie, 5(1981)427-439
- E.D.German and A.M.Kuznetsov, Outer sphere energy of reorganization in electron transfer processes, Electrochim.Acta.,26(1981)1595-1608
- A.M.Kuznetsov, and V.A.Kyrjanov, The effect of the electric field of the adsorbed indifferent ions on the kinetics of the elementary act of the electrode reaction, Elektrokhimiya, 17(1981)1405-1408
- E.D.German and A.M.Kuznetsov, The use of the Morse potential for the approximation of the nonbonding interaction between the H-acid and O-base in the theory of the kinetic isotope effect, Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR, ser.Khim., #7(1981)1464-1467
- E.D.German and A.M.Kuznetsov, Theory of the kinetic isotope effect. Use of the Morse potentials, J.C.S. Faraday Transactions II, 77(1981)2203-2212
- A.M.Kuznetsov, The role of the interaction of the reactants with the phonon field in the processes of the electron transfer in polar media, Elektrokhimiya, 18(1982)594-597
- A.M.Kuznetsov, The effect of the interaction of the electron with the phonon field on the transmission coefficient of the nonadiabatic transition in Condon approximation,
Elektrokhimiya, 18(1982)598-602
- A.M.Kuznetsov, The effect of the modulation of the electron states by the phonon field on the kinetic parameters of the nonadiabatic electron transfer reaction,
Elektrokhimiya, 18(1982)736-742
- E.M.Itskovich and A.M.Kuznetsov, Spatial dispersion of the dielectric permittivity in the theory of the solvated electron and F-centers, Elektrokhimiya, 18(1982)928-934
- E.D.German and A.M.Kuznetsov, A theory of the kinetics of the processes of the electron transfer between complex ions, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, ser.Kinetics and Catalysis, vol.10(1982)115-242, Moscow, VINITI
- A.M.Kuznetsov, On the quantum theory of the processes of charge transfer at the electrode - electrolyte solution interface. Beyond the approximation of constant electron density, Poverkhnost, No. 9(1982)119-127
- A.M.Kuznetsov, and J.Ulstrup, On the theory of long-range electron hopping in polar media, phys.stat.sol.(b), 114(1982)673-683
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Path-integral method in the theory of the elementary act of charge transfer in polar media, Chem.Phys.Lett., 91(1982)34-39
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Feynman path integrals in the theory of charge transfer in polar media, Khim.Fiz., No.11(1982)1496-1507
- A.M.Kuznetsov, A quantum theory of the processes of charge transfer. Recent advances, Faraday Discussions Chem.Soc.,74(1982)49-56
- A.M.Kuznetsov, and J.Ulstrup, A quantum theory of chemical reactions of the solvated electrons, Faraday Discussions Chem.Soc., 74(1982)31-47
- A.M.Kuznetsov, and J.Ulstrup, A semiclassical approach to concerted proton transfer in condensed media, J.C.S.Faraday Trans.II, 78(1982)1497-1512
- A.M.Kuznetsov, and J.Ulstrup, The free energy gap and temperature dependence of the electronic transmission coefficient in electron transfer reactions of the solvated electrons, Chem.Phys.Lett., 93(1982)121-126
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Comments on the note by A.A.Ovchinnikov and V.A.Benderskii "Comments to the Kuznetsov's paper "A theory of chemical and electrochemical reactions at weak coupling with the medium", J.Electroanal.Chem., 151(1983)259-262
- A.M.Kuznetsov, On the possible new types of the electrocatalysis, Elektrokhimiya, 19(1983)218-222
- A.M.Kuznetsov, and J.Ulstrup, The probability of the elementary act of the reaction of the solvated and trapped electron in a polar medium in Condon approximation, Elektrokhimiya, 19(1983)304-309
- A.M.Kuznetsov, and J.Ulstrup, Multichannel approach in the theory of the tunnelling of the electrons between the local states and through thin barrier layers in the electrochemical systems, Elektrokhimiya, 19(1983)147-152
- A.M.Kuznetsov, A new method in the theory of the elementary act of the charge transfer, Elektrokhimiya, 19(1983)525-531
- A.M.Kuznetsov, The effect of the modulation of the charge of the adsorbed atom by the fluctuations of the polarization on the elementary act of the hydrogen ions discharge, Elektrokhimiya, 19(1983)1338-1344
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Variation of the charge of the adsorbed hydrogen atom in the process of the activation in the elementary act of hydrogen ion discharge, J.Electroanal.Chem., 159(1983)241-255
- A.M.Kuznetsov, A theory of chemical and electrochemical reactions at weak coupling with the medium, J.Electroanal.Chem.,151(1983)227-249
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- V.P.Tarasov, S.I.Bakum, V.I.Privalov, Yu.A.Buslaev and A.M.Kuznetsov, Deutron-proton exchange in alumo- and hallohydrides, Koord.Khim., 9(1983)882-890
- R.R.Dogonadze and A.M.Kuznetsov, Quantum Electrochemical Kinetics: Continuum Theory, Comprehensive Treatise of Electrochemistry, vol.7(1983)1-40, Plenum Publishing Corp., N.Y.
- A.M.Kuznetsov, On the dynamic and stochastic approaches in the theory of the elementary act of the charge transfer in condensed media, Elektrokhimiya, 20(1984)1069-1074
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- A.M.Kuznetsov, The calculation of the rate constant of an adiabatic reaction in a polar medium with due account of the relaxation processes, Elektrokhimiya, 20(1984)1233-1240
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- A.M.Kuznetsov and J.Ulstrup, Electron transfer through intermediate states in solid- electrolyte and solid-solid systems, Proc.Symp.The Chemistry and Physics of Electrocatalysis, ed.J.D.E.McIntyre, M.J.Weaver, E.B.Yeager, Physical Electrochemistry Division, Proc.Volume 84-12, The Electrochemical Society, Inc., Pennington, N.J., 1984
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Inertial effects and the role of excited vibrational states in the subbarrier transfer of heavy particles, Elektrokhimiya, 21(1985)836-839
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- A.A.Belousov and A.M.Kuznetsov, Adiabatic transitions from nonequilibrium state characterized by two reactive degrees of freedom, Elektrokhimiya, 21(1985)1574-1575
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- L.I.Krishtalik and A.M.Kuznetsov, The energetics of the elementary act and "configurational" electrode potential, Elektrokhimiya, 22(1986)246-248
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- V.A.Bogdanovskaya, M.R.Tarasevich, A.M.Kuznetsov, and E.F.Gavrilova, The mechanism of the cathodic reduction of the oxygen in the carbon substrate - laccasa enzyme system, Elektrokhimiya,23(1987)375-380, and FEBS Lett., 215(1987)219 222
- A.M.Kuznetsov, and J.Ulstrup, The effect of conformational dynamics and phase transitions on electron and atom group transfer processes, In "Protein Structure: Molecular and Electronic Reactivity", eds.B.Austin, E.Bukhs, B.Chance, Don De Vault, P.L.Dutton, H.Frauenfelder, V.I.Goldanskii, Springer-Verlag, New York-Berlin etc., 1987, pp.309-327
- A.A.Belousov and A.M.Kuznetsov,A theory of adiabatic proton transfer in the complex with a hydrogen bond in weakly polar solvents, Elektrokhimiya,23(1987)520-522
- A.A.Belousov and A.M.Kuznetsov, A semiclassical theory of the atoms transfer in structurized media, Khim.Fiz., 6(1987)492-498
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- A.M.Kuznetsov, Modern aspects of quantum theory of charge transfer processes,
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- A.M.Kuznetsov, and Yu.I.Kharkats, Problems of quantum theory of charge transfer reactions at the interface between the two immiscible liquids, In V.E.Kazarinov (ed.) "The interface structure and electrochemical processes at the boundary between two immiscible liquids", Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 1987, pp.11-46
- A.A.Belousov and A.M.Kuznetsov, A simple approximate method in the Kramers theory of chemical reactions, Elektrokhimiya,23(1987)1675-1679
- A.M.Kuznetsov, A generalized model of adiabatic electrochemical reactions of the electron transfer on metals, Elektrokhimiya,24(1988)218-220
- A.M.Kuznetsov, A unified theory of adiabatic electrochemical reactions of electron transfer on metals, J.Electroanal.Chem., 241(1988)45-56
- A.M.Kuznetsov, A variational principle for the probability of the elementary act of the reaction of charge transfer, Elektrokhimiya, 24(1988)227-229
- A.M.Kuznetsov,J.Ulstrup and M.A.Vorotyntsev, Solvent effects in charge transfer processes, In The Chemical Physics of Solvation, Part C, Eds. R.R.Dogonadze, E.Kalman, A.A.Kornyshev and J.Ulstrup, Elsevier, Amsterdam-Oxford-New York-Tokyo, 1988,p.163-274
- E.M.Itskovich, A.M.Kuznetsov and J.Ulstrup, Solvated Electron, In The Chemical Physics of Solvation, Part C, Eds. R.R.Dogonadze, E.Kalman, A.A.Kornyshev and J.Ulstrup, Elsevier, Amsterdam-Oxford-New York-Tokyo, 1988, p.275-328
- A.M.Kuznetsov, The interaction of the fluctuons in dielectrics and the kinetic parameters of the electron transfer reactions, Elektrokhimiya,24(1988)405-408
- Yu.G.Boroda and A.M.Kuznetsov, Fluctuations of the charge of the adsorbed atom in the Elementary Act of the discharge of the proton donors. A multidimensional model of the medium, Elektrokhimiya, 24(1988)566-568
- E.D.German and A.M.Kuznetsov, On the calculation of the reorganization energy of the solvent for the charge transfer reaction, Khim.Fiz.,7(1988)305-309
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Theoretical dynamic models in the theory of the Elementary Act of enzyme reactions, J.Molecular Cat., 47(1988)219-227
- Yu.G.Boroda and A.M.Kuznetsov, On the asymmetry of the probability of the Elementary Act of the heterogeneous charge transfer, Elektrokhimiya,24(1988)1422-1425
- A.M.Kuznetsov and Yu.I.Kharkats, Problems of the quantum theory of the Charge Transfer reactions at the interface of the two immiscible liquids, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, ser.Elektrokhimiya,vol.28(1988)16-57, Moscow, VINITI
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Recent advances in the theory of charge transfer, Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, 20(1989)95-176
- N.G.Zharova,E.D.German,A.M.Kuznetsov and I.O.Shapiro, Kinetics of ionization of monoalkylbenzenes and nitroalkanes in polar solvents.1.A model of reaction and expression for the reaction rate constant. Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR, ser.Khim.,(1989) 318-325
- E.D.German and A.M.Kuznetsov, The influence of the intramolecular rotational reorganization on the relationship between the free energy of the activation and the free energy of the reaction, Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR, ser.Khim.,(1989)77-81
- A.M.Kuznetsov, A two mode model for the adiabatic electron transfer,
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- A.M.Kuznetsov, Scanning reaction microscopy of electrochemical interfaces,
- E.D.German and A.M.Kuznetsov, A quantum mechanical model for heterogeneous reactions of reductive rupture of chemical bond of carbon and halogen in methylhalides, Elektrokhimiya, 25(1989)459- 464
- A.A.Kornyshev,A.M.Kuznetsov,D.Phelps and M.Weaver, Nonlocal electrostatic effects on polar solvation dynamics, J.Chem.Phys.,91(1989)7159-7166
- A.M.Kuznetsov,J.Ulstrup, Protein dynamics and electronic fluctuation effects in electron transfer reactions of membrane-bound proteins and metalloprotein complexes, Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 21(1989)289-305
- A.A.Belousov, A.M.Kuznetsov and J.Ulstrup, Evolution of stochastic chemical rate theory from the dynamics of molecular reactant and product nuclear modes coupled to a continuous manifold of heat bath oscillators, Chem.Phys.,129(1989)311-333
- A.M.Kuznetsov, A theory of electron transfer at superconducting electrodes, J.Electroanal.Chem.,278(1990)1-15
- A.M.Kuznetsov, A model for the adiabatic SN2-substitution reactions in polar solvents, J.Phys.Chem., 94 (1990) 8664
- E.D.German and A.M.Kuznetsov, Kinetics of the charge transfer reactions in liquid phase, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, ser. Kinetics and Catalysis, vol.20(1990)3-149, VINITI, Moscow
- V.Yu.Izotov and A.M.Kuznetsov, The effect of the charge of the electrode on the reorganization energy of the solvent, Elektrokhimiya,26(1990)1681-1683
- A.M.Kuznetsov and J.Ulstrup, Direct and superexchange mechanism for optical and thermal Electron Transfer and detectability of the transition state by radiative spectral emission, Comments on Inorg.Chem., 10(1990)197-226
- E.D.German, A.M.Kuznetsov and I.O.Shapiro, The effect of excited vibrational states of proton on the dependence of the kinetic isotope effect on the reaction free energy for the processes of the ionization of acids, Khim.Fizika, 9(1990)1018-1022
- E.D.German and A.M.Kuznetsov, Franck-Condon barriers for the outer-sphere redox reactions of the complex ions in polar solvent, Elektrokhimiya, 26(1990)931-964
- V.A.Kyrianov and A.M.Kuznetsov, On the theory of the kinetics of the electrochemical reactions accompanied by the adsorption of the surface active indifferent species and of the depolarizor on the electrode, Elektrokhimiya, 26(1990)1333-1336
- A.M.Kuznetsov, D.K.Phelps and M.J.Weaver, Ionic atmosphere effects on the energetics of thermal and optical electron-exchange reactions: application to ferrocenium-ferrocene self exchange Int.J.Chem.Kinetics, 22(1990)815-827
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, M.G.Zakaraya, Protein configurational fluctuation dependence of the electronic tunnel factor of modified metalloprotein electron transfer systems and in fast direct and superexchange separation and recombination in bacterial photosynthesis, Jerusalem Symp.Quant.Chem., 22 (1990) 241-259
- A.M.Kuznetsov and J.Ulstrup, Dissipative relaxation of a low-energy intermediate electronic state in three-level electron transfer, Chemical Physics, 157(1991)25-33
- A.M.Kuznetsov, On the theory of the maximum of current near Tc in electron transfer reaction at superconducting electrode, Elektrokhimiya, 27(1991) 430
- V.Yu.Izotov and A.M.Kuznetsov, Dependence of the image forces on the charge of the electrode, Elektrokhimiya, 27(1991)147-153
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Quantum Electrode Kinetics, Proc.of the Internat.Conference "Condensed Matter Physics Aspects of Electrochemistry", ed.M.P.Tosi and A.A.Kornyshev, World Scientific, Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong, 1991, pp.401-410
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Theory of Charge Transfer Reactions at Superconducting
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- E.D.German and A.M.Kuznetsov, On the effect of ionic strength on the processes of charge transfer in polar medium, Elektrokhimiya, 28(1992)294-296
- E.D.German, V.A.Tikhomirov, A.M.Kuznetsov, Breaking of the C-Hal bonds in 1,2-dihalogensubstituted ethanes due to electron attachment. The calculation of the reaction rate constants, Elektrokhimiya, 28(1992)368-377
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Theoretical Aspects of Charge Transfer Reactions at Normal and Superconducting Electrodes. Electrochim.Acta,37(1992)2123-2128
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Dynamics of electron transfer between the reactants immersed into a cavity in polar solvent, Chem.Phys., 168(1992)225-235
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Inertial and inertialess vibrational modes in charge transfer: a simple model, Chem.Phys.,166(1992)303-310
- V.Yu.Izotov and A.M.Kuznetsov, Dependence of the transfer coefficient of the electron on the rearrangement of the compact layer due to variation of the electrode potential, Elektrokhimiya, 28 (1992)1840-1844
- V.Yu.Izotov, A.M.Kuznetsov, The effect of structural changes of the interface in the process of charging of the electrode on the reorganization energy of the solvent, Elektrokhimiya, 28 (1992) 1109-1117
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Role of high-frequency and low-frequency polarization of the medium in the kinetics of electron transfer and thermodynamics of solvation, J. Phys. Chem., 96 (1992) 3337-3345
- A.M.Kuznetsov, P.Sommer-Larsen, J.Ulstrup, Resonance and environmental fluctuation effects in STM currents through large adsorbed molecules, Surface Science, 275 (1992) 52-64
- Yu.I.Kharkats, A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Coherent and dissipative electron transfer dynamics of the primary charge separation in bacterial photosynthesis, Research in Photosynthesis, Vol.1, ed.N.Murata, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dodrecht-Boston-London, 1992, p.481-484 (Proc.IXth Intern.Conf.on Photosynthesis, Nagoya, Japan, August 30-Sept.4, 1992).
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- J.M.Hammerstad-Pedersen, M.H.Jensen, Yu.I.Kharkats, A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, A view of fast charge separation in the bacterial photosynthetic reaction centre involving weak environmental damping of a populated auxiliary chlorophyll state, Chem.Phys.Lett.,205(1993)591-595
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Perspectives for correlated single-electron tunnelling (SET) in ultrasmall electrochemical contacts, J.Electroanal.Chem., 362 (1993) 147-152
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- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, M.V.Vigdorovich, Self-consistent environmental fluctuation effects on the electronic tunnel factor and the activation free energy in long-range electron transfer, Chem.Phys., 176 (1993) 539-554
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, M.V.Vigdorovich, Non-Condon effects in adiabatic bridge group assisted electron transfer reactions, J.Electroanal.Chem., 358 (1993) 21-33
- M.V.Vigdorovich, A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Self-consistent model for charge transfer reaction in polar media, Elektrokhimiya, 30 (1994) 346-351, No.3
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, STM currents through large adsorbate molecules as a molecular three-centre process, Surface Coat.Technol., 67 (1994) 193-200
- E.D.German, A.M.Kuznetsov, Calculations of the rate constant of dissociative reduction of C-X bond in halogenalkanes: comparison of models, Elektrokhimiya, 30 (1994) 1189-1195, No.10
- E.D.German, A.M.Kuznetsov, A quantum mechanical theory of dissociative electron transfer in polar solvents, J.Phys.Chem., 98 (1994) 6120-6127
- A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Effect of overpotential on the electronic tunnel factor in diabatic electrochemical processes, J.Phys.Chem., 98 (1994) 3832-3837
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- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Dynamics of low-barrier proton transfer in polar solvents and protein media, Chem.Phys., 188 (1994) 131-141
- A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, Density functional for an electron system in a homogeneous dielectric environment, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 61 (1994) 103-114
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- Yu.I.Kharkats, A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Perspectives for vibrational coherence and electronic resonance in primary photosynthetic processes, Abstracts, p.21, ESF Workshop on Electron and Energy Transfer Dynamics in Photosynthesis and Model Systems, Finland, 15-18 Dec., 1994, Jyvaskyla
- V.A.Tikhomirov, E.D.German, A.M.Kuznetsov, , A study of the carbon-halogen bond breaking in tert-butyl halids by PM3 quantum chemical method, Chem. Phys., 191 (1995) 25-30
- E.D.German, A.M.Kuznetsov, V.A.Tikhomirov, Calculation of kinetic parameters of dissociative electrochemical reduction of halogen methanes in polar solvent,
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- Yu.I.Kharkats, A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Dynamics of fast optical band-shape time evolution of three-centre electron transfer systems, J.Phys.Chem., 99 (1995) 13555-13559
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- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Adiabatic and nonadiabatic electron transitions in bridge-assisted electrochemical tunnel contacts, Elektrokhimiya, 31 (1995) 244-249, No.3
- A.E.Suntsov, B.M.Grafov, A.M.Kuznetsov, The noise of electrochemical and electrical systems with nonlinear interaction Hamiltonian, 6th International Frumkin Symposium on Electrochemistry, Moscow, 23-27 August, 1995
- S.Gluzman, A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, U.Stimming, J.Ulstrup, Surface phase transitions and electrode kinetics, Snowdonia Conference on Electrified Interfaces (Abstracts), Harlech, Wales, 17-21 July, 1995
- A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, G.Makov, M.V.,Vigdorovich, Electronic properties of the metal/dielectric interface, Snowdonia Conference on Electrified Interfaces (Abstracts), Harlech, Wales, 17-21 July, 1995
- J.E.T.Andersen, A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, Per M?ller, J.Ulstrup,The electronic tunnel factor in simple electrochemiclal processes, In: Ladungsspeicherung in der Doppelschicht, W.Schmickler (Ed.), Universitatsverlag ULM GmbH, 1995, pp.101-111
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Resonance interference in a three-level system with dynamic coupling of the intermediate state to a vibrational mode, Mol.Phys., 87 (1996) 1189-1197
- A.M.Kuznetsov, The fundamental electrochemical process, ESF Workshop on Bioelectrochemistry, Abstracts, Copenhagen, May 9-11, 1996
- A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, Reorganization energy of the solvent and the activation energy of non-adiabatic reactions of electron and proton transfer in non-uniform media with spatial dispersion, Elektrokhimiya, 32 (1996) 1029-1039, No.9
- A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, U.Stimming, Second order phase transitions in electrode kinetics, J.Phys.Chem., 100 (1996) 11175-11183
- A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, U.Stimming, Rate processes in interfacial systems near continuous phase transitions, J.Phys.Chem., 100 (1996) 11184-11192
- A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, Activation free energy of the nonadiabatic processes of electron transfer and the reorganization energy of the inhomogeneous nonlocal medium, J.Phys.Chem., 100 (1996) 5721-5728
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Yu.I.Kharkats, J.Ulstrup, Coherent photosynthesis electron transfer close to three level electronic resonance, In Femtochemistry. Ultrafast Chemical and Physical Processes in Molecular Systems, ed.M.Chergui, World Scientific, Singapore, 1996, p. 431-436
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- A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, G.Makov, M.V.Vigdorovich, Polaron effects on electronic properties of uncharged metal/dielectric and metal/electrolyte interfaces, I. Uncharged metal/dielectric and metal/electrolyte interfaces, J.C.S.Faraday Transactions II, 92 (1996) 3997-4000
- A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, G.Makov, M.V.Vigdorovich, Polaron effects on electronic properties of uncharged metal/dielectric and metal/electrolyte interfaces, II..Electrified interfaces. In situ second harmonic generation, J.C.S.Faraday Transactions II, 92 (1996) 4005-4014
- L.I. Krishtalik, A.M. Kuznetsov, E.L. Mertz, Electrostatics of proteins: description in terms of two dielectric constants simultaneously, Biophys.J.,70 (1996) A225
- Yu.I.Kharkats, A.M.Kuznetsov, Quantum theory of charge transfer, In: A.G.Volkov, D.W.Deamer (Eds.), Liquid-Liquid Interfaces. Theory and Methods, CRC-Press, Boca Raton, New York - London - Tokyo, 1996, p.139-154
- J.E.T.Andersen, A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, L.L.Madsen, Per M?ller, J.Ulstrup, Electron tunnelling in electrochemical processes and in situ scanning tunnel microscopy of structurally organized systems, Electrochim.Acta, 42 (1997) 819-831
- A.E.Suntsov, B.M.Grafov, A.M.Kuznetsov, Cross kinetic phenomena in physico-chemical systems and fluctuation-dissipation theorem near the equilibrium state, Zhur.Fiz.Khim., 71 (1997) 738
- E.D.German, A.M.Kuznetsov, V.A.Tikhomirov, A theoretical analysis of the kinetics of reductive cleavage of the carbon-halogen bond in tert-butyl halides in polar solvent, J.Electroanal.Chem., 420 (1997) 235-241
- E.L.Mertz, E.D.German, A.M.Kuznetsov, Calculation of the reorganization free energy in the dielectric cavity model, Chem..Phys, 215 (1997) 355-370 Erratum, 222 (1997) 115-116
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Charge transfer in chemical reactions kinetics, Press polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne, 1997
- L.I. Krishtalik, A.M. Kuznetsov, E.L. Mertz, Electrostatics of proteins: description in terms of two dielectric constants simultaneously, Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics, 28 (1997) 174-182
- A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, U.Stimming, A model for low temperature electrochemical proton transfer. Temperature and isotope effects on kinetic parameters, J.Chem.Phys., 106 (1997) 9523-9528
- A.M.Kuznetsov, H.H.Girault, Reformulating the kinetic approach to column chromatography for a single component, Helvetica Chimica Acta, 80 (1997) 1176-1182
- R.A.W.Dryfe, Z.Ding, R.G.Wellington, P.F.Brevet, A.M.Kuznetsov, H.H.Girault, Time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence study of photoinduced electron transfer at the water/1,2-dichloroethane interface, J.Phys.Chem. A, 101 (1997) 2519-2524
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- A.M.Kuznetsov, J. Ulstrup , Electron Transfer in Chemistry and Biology. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester (UK), 1999, 350 p
- A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, J.U.Nielsen, J.Ulstrup, Overpotential-induced lability of the electronic overlap factor in long-range electrochemical electron transfer: charge and distance dependence, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.(PCCP), 2 (2000)141-144
- A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, J.Ulstrup, A Born - Oppenheimer approach to adiabatic electrochemical charge transfer processes, Electrochem.Commun., 2 (2000) 135-140
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Theory of electron transfer at electrified interfaces, Electrochim.Acta, 45 (2000) 2339-2361.
- R.R.Nazmutdinov, G.A.Tsirlina,O.A.Petrii, Yu.I.Kharkats, A.M.Kuznetsov, Quantum chemical modelling of the heterogeneous electron transfer: from qualitative analysis to a polarization curve, Electrochim.Acta, 45 (2000) 3521-3526.
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Spatial, time and energy resolved electrochemical electron transfer processes, Electrochim.Acta, 46 (2000) 247-253
- M.V.Vigdorovich, A.M.Kuznetsov, Modeling of electrode ionization reactions involving lateral diffusion of the reactants. Two-particle reactions. Elektrokhimiya, 36 (2000) 645-654, No.6
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- A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, Effects of electron correlations in a simple model for adiabatic electrochemical reactions. General relationships, Elektrokhimiya, 37 (2001) 389-395 , No.4
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- A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, Effects of electron correlations in a simple model for adiabatic electrochemical reactions. Application to concrete reactions, Elektrokhimiya, 37 (2001) No.567-577, No.5
- A.M.Kuznetsov, V.V.Sokolov, J.Ulstrup, A semiclassical theory of electron transfer reactions in Condon approximation and beyond, J.Electroanal.Chem., 502 (2001) 36-46
- A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, A model of the surface molecule for adiabatic electrochemical electron transfer including electron correlation effects: an exact solution, J.Electroanal.Chem., 502 (2001) 15-35
- V.V.Sokolov, A.M.Kuznetsov, Calculation of the of the potential barrier profile for the adiabatic electron transfer reaction in Condon approximation, Elektrokhimiya, 37 (2001) 213-219, No.2
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Theoretical aspects of electron transfer reactions of complex molecules, Electrochim. Acta, 46 (2001) 3325-3333 (ISE Meeting in Warsaw).
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Theory of interfacial electron transfer and in situ scanning tunnelling microscopy of redox molecules, Probe Microscopy, 2 (2001) 187-202.
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- J.Zhang, Q.Chi, A.M.Kuznetsov, A.G.Hansen, H.Wackerbarth, H.E.M.Christensen, J.E.T.Andersen, J.Ulstrup, Electronic properties of functional biomolecules at metal/aqueous solution interfaces, J.Phys.Chem., B 106 (2002) 1131-1152, Feature Article.
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Mechanisms of molecular electronic rectification through electronic level with strong vibrational coupling, J. Chem. Phys., 116 (2002) 2149-2165.
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- A.A. Kornyshev, A.M. Kuznetsov, M. Urbakh, Coupled ion - interface dynamics and ion transfer across the interface of two immiscible liquids, J.Chem.Phys., 117 (2002) 6766-6769.
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- V.V.Sokolov, A.M.Kuznetsov, Calculation of the profile of the potential barrier for the adiabatic electron transfer reaction in Condon approximation with due account of a non-spherical shape of the electron wave functions, Elektrokhimiya, 38 (2002) 1474-1478, No.12
- J.Zhang, A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, In Situ scanning tunneling microscopy of redox molecules. Coherent electron transfer at large bias voltage. J.Electroanal.Chem., 541 (2003) 133-146
- E.D.German, A.M.Kuznetsov, I.Efremenko, Elementary act of the dissociative adsorption of diatomic molecules on solid surface in a polar solvent, Elektrokhimiya, 39 (2003) 67-72, No.1
- B.M.Grafov, L.I.Krishtalik, A.M.Kuznetsov, Revaz Romanovich Dogonadze, Elektrokhimija, 39 (2003) 3-4, No.1
- A.A. Kornyshev, A.M. Kuznetsov, M. Urbakh, "Surface polaron" effect on the ion transfer across the interface of two immiscible electrolytes, Elektrokhimiya, 39 (2003)131-137, No.1.
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, A theory of interrelated electron and proton transfer processes, Elektrokhimiya, 39 (2003) 11-18, No. 1
- A. G. Hansen, H. Wackerbarth, J.U.Nielsen, J. Zhang, A. M. Kuznetsov, J. Ulstrup, Nanoscale and single-molecule interfacial electron transfer, Elektrokhimiya, 39 (2003) 117-128, No.1
- A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, E.Spohr, J.Ulstrup, Kinetics of proton transport in water, J.Phys.Chem. B, 107 (2003) 3351-3366 Feature article
- A.M. Kuznetsov, I.G. Medvedev, V.V. Sokolov, An infinite bandwidth limit model for adiabatic electrochemical electron transfer including electron correlation effects: the exact solution, J.Electroanal.Chem., 552 (2003) 231-246
- B.M.Grafov, A.M.Kuznetsov, On the noise temperature of the electric double layer, J.Electroanal.Chem., 552 (2003) 111-114
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- A.M. Kuznetsov, I.G. Medvedev, V.V. Sokolov, Effects of electron correlations for adiabatic electrochemical reactions of electron transfer in the model of the electrode with infinitely wide conduction band: diagram of kinetic regimes, Elektrokhimiya, 39 (2003) 932-945, No.8
- A. G. Hansen, H. Wackerbarth, J. Zhang, A. M. Kuznetsov, J. Ulstrup, Electron transfer behaviour of biological macromolecules towards the single-molecule level, J.Phys.: Condensed Matter, 15 (2003) S1873-S1890
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Single-molecule electron tunneling through multiple redox levels with environmental relaxation, J.Electroanal.Chem., 564 (2004) 209-222
- E.D.German, A.M.Kuznetsov, A simple adiabatic model for the elementary step of the dissociative adsorption of homonuclear diatomic molecules at the gas/metal interface, Teochem. (Journal of Molecular Structure), 671 (2004) 153-160 No.1-3
- E. D. German, A. M. Kuznetsov, Sheintuch, Predicting the Kinetics of the Dissociative Adsorption of Homonuclear, Molecules on Metal Surfaces in Gas Phase and Solution. Part I. Rate Constant of the Elementary Step of Adiabatic Reaction. Surf.Sci., 554 (2004) 159-169
- E. D. German, A. M. Kuznetsov, M. Sheintuch, Predicting the Kinetics of the Dissociative Adsorption of Homonuclear Molecules on Metal Surfaces in Gas Phase and Solution. Part II. Numerical Calculations of the Molecular Oxygen Dissociative Adsorption on the Pd(111) Surface, Surf.Sci., 554 (2004) 170-182, No. 2-3.
- A.M. Kuznetsov, I.G. Medvedev, V.V. Sokolov, Electron correlations effects in the adiabatic charge transfer reactions at the metal/polar liquid interface, J.Chem.Phys.120 (2004) 7616-7635
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Effects of the potential barrier fluctuations in non-adiabatic long-distance electron transfer, Journal of Solid-State Electrochemistry, 8 (2004) 735-741
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, An SN2-Model for Proton Transfer in Hydrogen Bonded Systems., Elektrokhimiya, 40 (2004) 1161-1171
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Microscopic models for proton transfer in water and in hydrogen-bonded complexes with single well potential, Elektrokhimiya, 40 (2004) 1172-1181, No.10
- A.M. Kuznetsov, I.G. Medvedev, On the possibility of STM induced dissociative electron transfer, Elektrokhimiya, 41 (2005) 273-284, No.3
- A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Double tunnel contact nano-metric switch with a redox mediator: operational principles and tunneling spectroscopy, ChemPhysChem, 6 (2005) 583-586
- E. D. German, A.M. Kuznetsov, M. Sheintuch, Quantum mechanical model for dissociative adsorption of diatomic molecules on metal surfaces, J.Phys.Chem.A, 109 (2005) 3542-3549
- A.M. Kuznetsov, I.G. Medvedev, V.V.Sokolov, Effects of electron-electron correlations on the elementary act of electrochemical dissociation reactions, Elektrokhimiya, 41 (2005)361-367, No.4
- J. Zhang, Q. Chi, T. Albrecht, A. M. Kuznetsov, M. Grubb, A. G. Hansen, H. Wackerbarth, A. C. Welinder, J. Ulstrup, Electrochemistry and bioelectrochemistry towards the single-molecule level: theoretical notions and systems, Electrochim.Acta, 50 (2005) 3143-3159
- R.R. Nazmutdinov, W.Schmickler, A.M. Kuznetsov, Microscopic modelling of the reduction of a Zn(II) aqua-complex on metal electrodes, Chem.Phys., 310 (2005) 257-268, No.103
- A.M. Kuznetsov, Effect of internal conversion of vibrational quanta in inelastic electron tunneling, Elektrokhimija, 41 (2005) 1140-1141, No.9
- L.I.Dakhin, A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, M.I.Urbakh, ITIES fluctuations induced by "easy going" ions, Chemical Physics, 319 (2005) 253-260
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Proton transfer and proton conductivity in condensed matter environment, In "Isotope effects in chemistry and biology" eds. A.Cohen and H.-H. Limbach, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, 2006 , pp.691-724
- A.M. Kuznetsov, Effect of internal conversion of vibrational quanta in electron tunneling: a scheme for direct experimental observation and current/voltage relationships. Faraday Discuss., 131 (2006) 79-89
- A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, Potential distibution in an in situ nano-gap, Electrochem.Commun., 8 (2006) 679-682
- A.M. Kuznetsov, J.Ulstrup, Theory of electron tunneling through a bridge molecule having two electron levels at low temperatures, Elektrokhimiya, 42 (2006) 845-852, No.7
- A. A. Kornyshev, A. M. Kuznetsov, A new type of in situ single molecule rectifier, Chem. Phys. Chem., 7 (2006) 1-5
- A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev Does really Born - Oppenheimer approximation break down in charge transfer processes ? An exactly solvable model, Chem.Phys., 324 (2006) 148-159
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- A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, and J.Ulstrup, In situ superexchange electron transfer through a single molecule: a new rectification effect, PNAS, 103 (2006) 6799-6804
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- A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, STM induced totally adiabatic dissociative electrochemical electron transfer reactions, Elektrokhimiya, 42 (2006) 1146-1155, No. 10
- A. M. Kuznetsov, I. G. Medvedev, Does the electron spin affect the rates of electron tunneling in electrochemical systems? Electrochem.Commun., 9 (2007) 1343-1347
- R. R. Nazmutdinov, M.D. Bronshtein, F. Wilhelm, A.M. Kuznetsov, Challenge of the Discharge of a Hydronium Ion at a Mercury Electrode: Beyond the Tafel Plots, J. Electroanal. Chem. 607 (2007) 175-183
- A.M. Kuznetsov, I.G. Medvedev, On the possibility of STM-control of dissociative electron transfer, Electrochem.Commun., 9 (2007) 1624-1628
- W.Haiss, T.Albrecht, H.van Zalinge, S.J.Higgins, D.Bethell, H.H?benreich, D.J.Schiffrin, R.J.Nichols, A.M.Kuznetsov, J.Zhang, Q.Chi, J.Ulstrup, Single-molecule conductance of redox molecules in electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy, J.Phys.Chem.B, 111 (2007) 6703-6712
- A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, J.Ulstrup,Electric double layer effect on observable characteristics of the tunnel current through a bridged electrochemical contact, J. Chem. Phys., 127 (2007) 104708
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Negative differential resistance and switching behavior of redox-mediated tunnel contact, J.Chem.Phys., 127 (2007) 084710
- A. A. Kornyshev, M. Kuimova, A. M. Kuznetsov, J. Ulstrup, M. Urbakh, Light-driven molecular machine at ITIES, J.Phys.: Condensed Matter, 19 (2007) 375111
- A.A.Kokkanen, A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, Effects of electron correlations in the model of surface molecule for the adiabatic electrochemical electron transfer reactions: account of inter-electron repulsion at the effective orbital of the metal, Elektrokimiya, 43 (2007) 1088-1102, No.9
- A. C. Welinder, J.-D. Zhang, A. G. Hansen, K.Moth-Poulsen, H.E.M.Christensen, A.M. Kuznetsov, T. Bj?rnholm , J. Ulstrup, Voltammetry and Electrocatalysis of Achromobacter Xylosoxidans Copper Nitrite Oxidase on Functionalized Au(111)-Electrode Surfaces, Z. Phys. Chem. 221 (2007) 1-36
- A.M.Kuznetsov, A theory of nonadiabatic electron transitions in symmetric double-center tunnel electrochemical contact, Elektrokhimiya, 43 (2007) 1-6, No.12.
- A.M.Kuznetsov, O.A.Petrii, Yu.V.Pleskov, 57th Meeting of ISE, Edinburgh, UK, 27 Aug.-1 Sept. 2006, Elektrokhimiya, 43 (2007) 902-904, No.7
- A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, On the applicability of the Born - Oppenheimer approximation in the theory of non-adiabatic charge transfer reactions. An exactly solvable model., Elektrokhimiya, 44 (2008) 182-201, No. 2.
- A.A.Kokkanen, A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, Approximate method for the calculation of the probabilities of electron transition for simple outer-sphere electrochemical reactions, Elektrokimiya, 44 (2008) 429-441, No.4
- A.M.Kuznetsov, J. Ulstrup, Charge transport of solute oligonucleotides in metallic nanogaps - observations and some puzzles, In O.Hammerich and J.Ulstrup (Eds.) Bioinorganic Electrochemistry, Springer, Dodrecht, Chapter 6, P. 161-205 (2008)
- J. Zhang, T. Albrecht, Q. Chi, A.M.Kuznetsov, J. Ulstrup, Charge transfer and interfacial bioelectrochemistry at the nanoscale and single-molecule levels, In O.Hammerich and J.Ulstrup (Eds.) Bioinorganic Electrochemistry, Springer, Dodrecht, Chapter 8, P. 249-302 (2008)
- A.M. Kuznetsov, I.G. Medvedev, The Coulomb Repulsion Effect on the Tunnel Current Through the Redox Molecule in the Weak Tunneling Limit, Electrochem.Commun., 10 (2008) 1191-1194
- J. Zhang, A.M. Kuznetsov, I.G. Medvedev, Q. Chi, T. Albrecht, P. S. Jensen , J. Ulstrup, Single-molecule Electron Transfer in Electrochemical Environments, Chem. Rev., special issue Molecular and Biomolecular Electrochemistry, 108 (2008) 2737-2791
- A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, J.Ulstrup, Influence of the Debye screening on the tunnel current through a simple bridged electrochemical contact, Elektrokhimiya, 44 (2008) 1059-1068, No.9
- A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, A theory of redox-mediated electron tunneling through an electrochemical two-center contact, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 374112
- A.A.Kornyshev, A.M.Kuznetsov, Simple theory of current fluctuations and noise in bridge-mediated nano-junctions, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 374103 (7pp).
- A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, Coulomb repulsion effect on the tunnel current through the redox molecule in the weak tunneling limit, Phys.Rev.B ,78 (2008) 153403
- E. D. German, M. Sheintuch, A.M. Kuznetsov, Diffusion on Metal Surfaces: Formalism and Application to CO Diffusion, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112 (2008) 15510-15516
- A.M.Kuznetsov, A theory of shot noise of bridged electrochemical contact, Elektrokhimiya, 44 (2008) 1426-1432, No.12
- A.M.Kuznetsov, Theoretical analysis of the telegraph-like fluctuations in bridged electrochemical contacts, Elektrokhimiya, 45 (2009) 353-357 No.3
- A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, J.Ulstrup, Coulomb repulsion effect in two-electron nonadiabatic tunneling through a one-level redox molecule, J. Chem. Phys. 131 (2009)
- E.D. German, M. Sheintuch, A.M. Kuznetsov, Subsurface Incorporation of Oxygen into Palladium(111): A Theoretical Study of Energetics and Kinetics, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113 (2009) 15326-15336
- A.M.Kuznetsov, I.G.Medvedev, J.Ulstrup, Electrochemical proton relay at the single-molecule level, Electrochem. Commun. 11 (2009) 1170-1173
- A.M. Kuznetsov, I.G. Medvedev, Effects of inter-group correlations on sequential electron transitions through redox-mediated two-center electrochemical bridged contact, Electrochim. Acta, 54 (2009) 7128-7135
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