
Articles in refereed journals:

  1. "New bioorganometallic ferrocene derivatives as efficient mediators for glucose and
    ethanol biosensors based on PQQ-dependent dehydrogenases"
    Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 668, (2003), p. 83-90
    J. Razumiene, A. Vilkanauskyte, V. Gureviciene, V. Laurinavicius, N. V. Roznyatovskaya,
    Y. V. Ageeva, M.D. Reshetova, A.D. Ryabov
  2. "Dinuclear versus mononuclear ruthenium(II) and osmium(II) complexes
    as potent mediators of glucose oxidase; crystal structure of [OsCl(4,4'-bpy)(bpy)2]BF4"
    Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 8, (2003), p. 815-822
    A.D. Ryabov, N.V. Roznyatovskaya, K. Suwinska, M. Revenko, A.Y. Ershov
  3. "Electroreduction of a Binuclear Macrocyclic Complex of Copper(II) of the Robson Type in Aqueous Solutions"
    Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 40(9), (2004), p. 955-962
    N.V. Roznyatovskaya, G.A. Tsirlina, V.V. Roznyatovskii, M.D. Reshetova, Yu.A. Yustinyuk
  4. "Aqueous electrochemistry of binuclear copper complex with Robson-type ligand:
    dissolved versus surface-immobilized reactant"
    Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 9(8), (2005), p. 581-589
    N.V. Roznyatovskaya, S.Yu.Vassiliev, A.I. Yusipovich, G.A. Tsirlina, V.V. Roznyatovskii
  5. "Binuclear copper(II) and nickel(II) macrocyclic complexes:
    the key role of central ion in hydrogen peroxide electrocatalysis"
    Mendeleev Communications, 15(3), (2005), p. 93-95
    N.V. Roznyatovskaya, G.A. Tsirlina, V.V. Roznyatovskii, A.S. Mitiaev, Y.D. Smurnyy
Participation in Conferences:
  1. 54th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, SanPaulo, Brasil, 2003
    N.V. Roznyatovskaya*, G.A. Tsirlina, V.V. Roznyatovskii, M.D. Reshetova, Yu.A. Ustynuyk
  2. International conference dedicated to 50th anniversary of INEOS, Moscow, Russia, 2004
    N.V. Roznyatovskaya*, V.V. Roznyatovskii
  3. 55th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2004
    Poster (jpg 163 kb 736x520 px)
    N.V. Roznyatovskaya*, S.Yu. Vassiliev, A.I. Yusipovich, G.A. Tsirlina
  4. the 9th V.A. Fock Meeting on Quantum and Computational Chemistry, Novgorod, Russia, 2005
    D.V. Gloukhov*, R.R. Nazmutdinov, N.V. Roznyatovskaya, G.A. Tsirlina
  5. International student conference "Lomonosov-2005", Moscow, Russia, 2005
    N.V. Roznyatovskaya*
